Increasing the effectiveness of psychological counseling in economic decision making: narrowing consultant’s decision tree within the consulting space model

Vol. 30 Iss. 2 pp. 5058 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of increasing the effectiveness of psychological counseling when making economic decisions as solving the task of purposeful localization of psychocorrectional targets,by narrowing the field of possible options by taking the psychological phenomena of psychological defenses,coping strategies, cognitive distortions, prevailing mental functions and attitudes, the relationship of value and accessibility to the result of making an economic th decision. A model of psychocorrectional targets for making economic decisions by the client is proposed, taking into account cognitive, behavioral, existential, psychoanalytic paradigms of consulting work as a basis for tools to increase the effectiveness of psychological counseling.


psychological counseling in making economic decisions, model of psychocorrectional targets, psychological counseling paradigms, subjective economic well-being, hierarchical model of subjective economic well-being, economic frustration, effectiveness of psychological counseling


Citation — Harvard Notation


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