Individual psychological characteristics of students that determine compatibility and harmony in the study group
The need for selection and placement of personnel, recruitment of small groups, crews, teams required a thorough study of such psychological phenomena as: compatibility, harmony, cohesion of participants in interaction. «Compatibility and harmony» occupy a special place in the system of concepts of psychology of small groups and collectives. Compatibility results from common goals, attitudes to activities, interpersonal preferences, trust in each other, a sense of collectivism, sympathy, attention and support. Harmony is consistency in the work between its participants. In this definition, two features are essential: consistency and performance. Consent is defined as agreement of opinion, commonality of points of view, unanimity and friendly relations. As an example, you can give family hap¬piness. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concepts «compatibility», «incompatibility» and «harmony» from the point of view of various authors. The interrelation of these phenomena is shown.
According to the results of the sociometric method, mutual choices of students in the humanitarian specialty were identified in the groups of the examined cadets, and the structure of psychological factors, including individ¬ual psychological characteristics, was determined. Factor analysis was used for this purpose. The study revealed five factors, including individual psychological characteristics of cadets studying in the Humanities, which have a dominant influence on the harmony and compatibility of military personnel in the process of education and professional activities.
psychological compatibility, harmony, dyads, mutual choices, individual –psychological characteristics
Citation — Harvard Notation
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