Influence of intelligence on development of the emotional-communicative part of senoir pupils personality (longuitudinal research)

Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pp. 5057 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In the article some results of a longitudinal research o f developmental regularities o f 60 senior pupils ofa mathematical lyceum during their education from the 7'h to the l l ’h form are considered. The specificity o f influence o f the advanced educational programs on cognitive development of pupils with different type and level o f intelligence is described. Positive influence o f intelligence on development of emotional-communicative part of the pupils personality is discovered; this influence is diversified and is increasing while the adolescents are growing up.



adolescent crisis, senior pupils, educational programs, development, academical intelligence, conception thinking, social intelligence, communicative attitudes, emotional part of personality


Citation — Harvard Notation


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