Meaning of happiness: understanding of the happiness phenomenon as the most important category of V. Frankl's logotherapy

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 1928 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article describes the historical prerequisites for addressing this phenomenon; Philosophical views on happiness, views of humanistic and positive psychotherapy are revealed. A distinction is made between "pursuit of pleasure" and "seeking happiness".

Happiness in V. Frankl 's Logotherapy is not identical to the state of comfort, in connection with obtaining physical convenience and pleasure; much more than maintaining your emotional world in a state of joy and fun. Its fundamental context of happiness is only in noetic. It was stated that happiness was a side effect of the realization of meaning.

It is postulated that happiness is the state of man, corresponding to the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of his being, the fullness and mindfulness of life, the realization of his human purpose.

Happiness in Logotherapy is an indirect state of realization of the meaning, which must be taken into account in psychological counselling.



logotherapy, Frankl, meaning, happiness, psychological counselling


Citation — Harvard Notation


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