Meaningfullness in individual and group counseling

Vol. 21 Iss. 1 pp. 3040 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Meaningfulness and mindfulness distinguish the specifi city of areas of psychological counseling. Meaningfulness allows us to expand the boundaries to achieve positive effects in counseling clients who are focused on developing their own personality and interpersonal relationships, including professional. It is done on a scale of deep self-knowledge and great life perspective, not burdened with serious frustrating situations in the current time. Context of social and individual existence of the person, connected to retrospective of the life experience and the prospect of life plans, creates a complex multi-dimensional continuum of meaningful relationship of a man to himself, his place in social medium (stratum), and the role of social medium (stratum) in human life.


meaning, meaningfulness, awareness, counseling, psychotherapy, coaching


Citation — Harvard Notation


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