On methodological problems of studying public consciousness

Vol. 34 Iss. 2 pp. 156166 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article deals with the theoretical and methodological problems that arise in the study of the genesis, structure and historical dynamics of public consciousness. It is shown that the most relevant such problem is the problem of "methodological hang-up". Its essence is that the facts related to the study of public consciousness no longer fit into the generally accepted picture of the historical dynamics of society, and a new picture for them has not yet been created. It is shown that the solution to the problem of "methodological hang-up" needs to involve those empirically justified aspects of the analysis that have been insufficiently taken into account in traditional methodology until now. These aspects include: a metalanguage view of historicism as having its own historicity; a systematic view of the phenomena and objects studied as inherently complex; a fundamentally new view of the principles of the semantic organization of culture, including the dynamics of semantic connections; and the use of data related to the study of the "dialogical apparatus of culture". The empirical consequences arising from the consideration of these factors are considered. It is shown that, ultimately, all of them are closed to the problem of the "circle of understanding" ― the main methodological problem of our time, the true scale of which is still not realized. It is also shown that the problem of the "circle" can be solved by using the "black box" method adopted in computer science. The issues related to the problem of entering a fundamentally new paradigm of thinking that really works for the improvement and consolidation of mass consciousness are touched upon.


the historicity of «historicism», methodology of empirical generalizations, the principle of «initial complexity», the «circle» problem


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