On the problems of studying the inner world of a person in the light of the crisis of methodological thought

Vol. 28 Iss. 2 pp. 1521 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article deals with the problems of studying the inner world of the person, arising in connection with the crisis in the sphere of general scientifc methodology. The crisis manifests itself through the problem of «circle», that is, a tautological judgment that explains what has been already irrationally accepted as a supposition of proof. And in the situation of crisis, the problem of the origin of the knowledge component of the inner world of the individual becomes topical. It has been demonstrated that the solution of this problem is impossible without prior identifcation of two functionally distinct components in the natural language: the subjective and symbolic languages.


inner world of personality, semantic structures, problem of «circle», subject and symbolic language


Citation — Harvard Notation
