Psychological aspects of perception of G. Tarde’s crowd theory among contemporary students

Vol. 29 Iss. 1 pp. 3643 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article contrasts two aspects of the relevance of social theories - scientific and public. It is stated that the paradigm of "psychological contagion", which viewed the crowd as an irrational and destructive entity during the period from the late 19th throughout the middle of the 20th century, lost its scientific relevance due to the development of social and psychological knowledge. At the same time, it is asserted that in many respects it has preserved the public relevance, since it is still able to supply interested persons with simple, understandable, yet very exemplary, information about the psychological nature of the spontaneous associations. The results of an expert survey among students (n = 33) on the contents of the crowd theory, developed by G. Tarde at the end of the 19th century, are described. Key provisions of G. Tarde’s theory, shared by modern students, are defined. Special attention of respondents to the properties of the crowd and the processes of personality changes within is attributed to the fact that it is perceived as a source of double danger, acting as a subject, simultaneously, possible general aggression and possible personal disharmony among its members. The authors analyze the clarifications and criticisms voiced by the students about the constituents of G. Tarde’s crowd theory. Based on the results, a number of fundamental differences between the scientific and public relevance of the social theory are postulated.


crowd, crowd theories, G. Tarde’s crowd theory, criticism of the crowd theories, “psychological contagion”, contemporary students’ perception, scientific relevance, public relevance


Citation — Harvard Notation


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