Psychological support for clients experiencing a midlife crisis

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 7077 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The purpose of the article is to describe the stages of psychological support for clients experiencing a midlife crisis. The publication reflects the main approaches to understanding the essence of the midlife crisis in psychological literature. The general features of the psychological diagnosis of this crisis and the specific symptoms of its occurrence are determined. When refining the strategy of coping with the manifestations of the crisis, attention is paid to tactics of reducing the severity of emotional experiences, the use of techniques for overcoming stress, as well as methods of psychological reinterpretation of the problem.

The prospects of applying the “Wheel of Life Balance” methodology, which has the potential for a client to understand a problem situation, are emphasized. The possibilities of using the techniques of logotherapy and narrative psychology when working with such clients are positively assessed. Some recommendations are proposed to solve the problem of relationships with loved ones in a midlife crisis.


regulatory crisis, middle-aged crisis, maturity, symptoms of crisis, mechanisms of crisis, psychological support of crisis, "Wheel of life balance”, logotherapy, narrative psychology


Citation — Harvard Notation


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