Risk-based approach in the quality management system of social service organization

Vol. 34 Iss. 2 pp. 92100 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The paper analyses the application of a quality management system on the basis of International standards ISO and shows the necessity of using a risk-based approach in building the quality management system. The analysis and classification of risks for social service organizations are presented. Methods of risk calculation are defined, the risk assessment procedure in the organization of social services is considered. Recommendations for implementing risk-based thinking in the quality management system and the use of simple quality tools are given. The basis for developing a model of risk-based approach in the organization of social services is the method of analysis of types and consequences (FMEA).Organizational issues of risk management related to identifying and assessing risks and taking measures to reduce the negative impact of risks are described. The main documentation of the organization’s risk management is presented: the organization’s risk register, the key risk map, the risk passport, the process risk management map, and the procedure for identifying incidents. The advantages of using a risk-based approach to improve the quality of management of social services organization are presented.


quality management system, risk-based approach, risk, opportunities. risk sources, risk management, risk assessment technologies, structure of the risk assessment process, ways to risk responding


Citation — Harvard Notation


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