Social advertising as means of psychological help is examined at a decision-making about birth of a child

Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pp. 4149 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In the article the social advertising as mean of psychological help is examined at a decision-making about birth o f child. It is the analysis of ductings and methods o f serve to information for pregnant women, and also - their social surroundings, in the situation o f uncertainty. Kinds and transmitters o f the social advertising are described. The attempt of systematization o f existent standards of the social advertising is undertaken on the discussed question. Results over o f empiric research of efficiency o f different standards o f the social advertising are brought. Failings are exposed and problem «areas», formulated to recommendation on perfection of the social advertising, directed for help in a decision-making about birth of child.


social advertisement, psychological help, decision-making, situation of uncertainty, pregnant woman, social environment (social surroundings), the birthing of child, abortion, research, systematization, estimation o f efficiency, recommendations.


Citation — Harvard Notation


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