Social determinants of mental well-being of a society: the history-psychological approach
In article the history-psychological analysis of social conditionality of mental well-being and social health of a society is given. Social preconditions ofpopularity in a society parapsychological methods and the pharmacological methods directed on correction of a mental and psychological condition o f the person are investigated. The interrelation between symptoms o f methodological crisis of a psychological science and mental state of health o f a society is carried out. The reasons raise attention
in society boundary between a science and not - science o f systems of knowledge are analyzed.
социальное самочувствие, дефицит устойчивого знания, трансформация социума, объекты социальной работы, субъекты социальной работы, социальные детерминантыментального благополучия
Citation — Harvard Notation
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- Шульц Д. П., Шульц С. Э. История современной психологии. СПб: Евразия, 1998.