Social security in the human dimension

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 7380 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article analyzes approaches to the definition of social security. Classical concepts put in the spotlight, first of all, the interests of the state. Proponents of the concept of "human security" are most prone to a humanistic understanding of the phenomenon. The result of their analysis was the author's definition of social security, the focus of which is not only ensuring social well-being, but also the development of adaptive flexibility of individuals. Taken together, these types of security create the conditions for individuals to adapt to rapidly changing conditions and for an adequate response of society to modern challenges. The article also presents the results of the study of students' understanding of social security, which confirms the urgency of considering the phenomenon in the human dimension. The author concludes that the focus of the security policy on the social effect requires not only special attention to the living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation, but also the recognition of citizens as equal agents in the formation of social security policy in all spheres of the society.


social security, extended security, human security, protection, adaptive flexibility, security agents, youth


Citation — Harvard Notation


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