Socio-psychological factors of readiness for labor activity in disabled employees

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 8191 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Socio-psychological factors of readiness for work for disabled people of working age are considered in the context of the concept of active longevity and the international classification of functioning, disability and health. The survey on a voluntary basis was attended by forty disabled people of working age who are on social services in the Centre of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People and Disabled Children of the Nevsky district. The results of empirical research have shown that the main reasons that make it difficult for people with disabilities to work systematically are poor health; lack of skills and work experience; lack of vacancies. Part of the disabled pointed to the inability to find work; personal indecision and shyness; inability to communicate with people. The possibility of career promotion, independence, creativity do not play a serious role. The level of employment claims among disabled people is low. The collected data allowed to draw a portrait of a man with a disability ready to work and the portrait of a disabled person who is minimally ready to work. Based on the data obtained, recommendations on social and psychological assistance to people with disabilities are proposed. They are aimed at improving the functioning of these people and their active ageing.


working age disabled, international classification of functioning, disability and health, active ageing, readiness for labor activity, social support, social integration, socio-psychological well-being


Citation — Harvard Notation


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