The concept of a healthy lifestyle: the history of the formation

Vol. 27 Iss. 1 pp. 99106 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article discusses the history of the formation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). The main stages of the development of scientific thought about HLS are shown, beginning with Indo-Tibetan medicine and up to the present time. The main stages of the formation of healthy lifestyle in foreign scientific literature (Cornaro L., Hufeland H., Belloc and Breslau, Shelton G. M., Bragg P.) and the development of scientific thought about healthy lifestyle in Russia (Lomonosov M. V., Engalychev P., Badmayev P. A., Lisitsyn Yu. P., Amosov N. M., Gundarov I. A.) are discussed. The current state of the issue, reflected in scientific dissertational research on healthy lifestyle, as well as in government documents on the protection of citizens’ health and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2030 is presented.


health, healthy lifestyle, Indo-Tibetan medicine


Citation — Harvard Notation


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