The latest trends in the field of school education of american society (field studies John Goodlad against Mark Penn statistical analysis)

Vol. 18 Iss. 2 pp. 107113 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In the early 1980 famous american teacher John Goodlad made grandiose research of the American public school education. Goodlad team found that although schools differed quite markedly in many ways, the methods of teaching in all schools were virtually identical. This narrow range of teaching methods used by teachers in the high school for the most Goodlad — one of the most in the disturbing fi ndings.


microtrends, school after school (home) Education, a coalition of interest groups that are interested in improving the school, waiting the proper effect of education, alienation


Citation — Harvard Notation


  1. Гудлэд Дж. Вот что называется школой. —– М.: Просвещение, 2008. — 475 с.
  2. Марк Дж. Пенн, Кинни Э. Залесн. Микротенденции: Маленькие изменения, приводящие к большим переменам. — М.: ACT: ACT МОСКВА, 2009. — 510 с.