The personality types of adolescents who are exposed to physical violence in family

Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 133146 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article carries out an analysis of personality and behavioral features of adolescents exposed to physical violence in their own family, as well as an understanding of the specificity of parent-child relationships in their families. The research of personal characteristics includes the analysis of personality traits, character accentuation, types of aggression, and self-understanding of adolescents, while the research of behavioral characteristics includes the analysis of dominant types of interpersonal relationships and tendency to deviant behavior among adolescents. The empirical basis of the research involves teenagers: students of secondary schools of the city of Omsk. The results of the study was the creation of personality types of teenagers, suffering from physical violence.


physical abuse in a family, personality types of adolescents, parent-child relationship, personality and behavioral consequences of the violence


Citation — Harvard Notation


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