The psychology of hardiness: a review of theoretical concepts, empirical research and diagnostic techniques

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 5060 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The economic crisis, the pandemic and quarantine have given particular urgency to researching human resilience and finding ways to cope with stress, anxiety, panic and depression. Despite the active study of the phenomenon of resilience by domestic and foreign psychologists, the problem of development and identification of features of this integral personality remains poorly studied. The article presents the concepts of viability reflected in the works of foreign and domestic researchers, the criteria of the resilience phenomenon, and methods of its formation. Besides, the factors effecting the viability are also considered. The evolution of views on the phenomenon of resilience in psychological science is briefly shown. Empirical studies, including those conducted in recent years, as well as methods for diagnosing resilience are presented.


viability, resilience, vitality, resistance, life creativity, adaptivity


Citation — Harvard Notation


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