The role of sensorimotor integration and inhibitory processes in the formation of health-saving behavior in adults

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 106113 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article considers the role of sensorimotor integration and inhibitory processes as factors that can influence the formation of health- saving behavior in adults. As a methodological tool, the following methods are used: TOBOL, which is aimed at determining the type of attitude to the disease, and the computer program ReBos, which reveals the degree of ability of respondents to recognize the ordering of the sensory flow and the level of formation of inhibitory control. The results obtained in the course of the study indicate the ambiguity of this influence. The participants of the study choose a non-constructive type of attitude to the disease : either “repress” thoughts about the presence of their disease, “dismiss” even the obvious symptoms, or seek to find some sphere of self-realization, in particular, through immersion into work. A high level of inhibitory control indicates that adults are quite capable of suppressing a certain type of behavior, but the low ability to quick and adequate respond to changes in the environment, including the internal one, makes it difficult to reconstruct behavior towards health saving.


health, disease, sensorimotor integration, inhibitory control, health-saving behavior


Citation — Harvard Notation


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