Using associative cards in working with anxiety and the fear of death

Vol. 31 Iss. 1 pp. 714 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article describes the algorithms and techniques for using associative cards in working with anxiety and the fear of death. Four groups of death-related fears are considered: fear of time, fear of space, fear of life, and fear of self. Working with anxiety and fear led to the realization and acceptance of the fears, experienced during the course of therapy. The possibility of confrontation with death and anxiety allows a person to take responsibility for own life and recognize death as a fact of the finiteness of life. The article shows that the awareness of the inevitability of death (as a task of psychotherapy) contributes to fundamental personal changes and determines a person’s positive life outlook.


associative cards, therapy of anxiety and the fear of death, fear of time, fear of space, fear of life, fear of oneself


Citation — Harvard Notation


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