Nugusova Aitzhamal

D.Sc. (Education), Professor, Department of Mathematics and Methods of Mathematical Training, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov


Articles of Nugusova Aitzhamal

Based on the theoretical analysis and generalization of problem of developing professional competence in future educational psychologist this article reveals the meaning and nature of terms «monitoring» and «education quality monitoring». Types, content, functions and mechanisms of monitoring are denoted. Requirements for organi-zation and implementation of education quality monitoring, as well as the methodical system of realization of these requirements in the process of developing professional competence in future psychologist and preparation for the future pedagogical activity are elaborated.

В статье на основе теоретического анализа и обобщения проблемы формирования профессио-нальной компетентности будущего педагога-психолога раскрыты сущность и значения понятий «монито-ринг», ...