Attitude of orphaned children and children left without parental care to the situation of staying in a children's health camp
The article presents the results of the study of the attitude of orphaned children to the situation of staying in a children's health camp. It is shown that a positive or negative attitude to the camp is determined by the quality of living conditions, the ability to be engaged in specific activities, the nature of relationships with peers, external restrictions and regime. It is determined that the composition of the social environment affects the attitude of teenagers to the camp and the conditions that determine this attitude. It was revealed that being surrounded by family peers leads to increased influence of household and regime conditions of the camp on negative well-being and increasing the importance of self-selected activities as a condition for positive well-being. It is shown that the usual social environment focuses teenagers on the activity and compliance with externally set rules, the environment of family peers-on personal self-development.
orphaned children, children left without parental care, children's health camps, mixed detachments, separate detachments
Citation — Harvard Notation
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