On the issue of pedagogical guidance of students activity in the learning process
The article discusses the issue of student activities in the learning process. The preliminary results of studying one of the aspects of this issue, namely the ratio of the objective learning goals formed in the assignment, and the real goals of the student’s activities are considered.
Accordingly, an understanding of the nature of problems about the activities of students in the learning process and some questions of child (age) and educational psychology are set forth. It should be noted that our understanding of educational problems and the proposed ways to study them are sometimes debatable. A number of issues under consideration are still far from an acceptable solution for all. The preliminary results of studying one of the aspects of this issue, namely, the ratio of the objective learning goals formed in the assignment and the real goals of a student’s activity.
The results of the experiment, which characterize the awareness of the target requirement of the task are presented. We posed and considered these questions, relying on long experience in studying them, on some results of their experimental development.
The results of the experiment, which characterize the awareness of the goal requirement of the task are presented.
task, objective goal of learning, real goal, skill, degree of mastering
Citation — Harvard Notation
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