Pedagogical conditions of development of physical qualities of senior preschool children in conditions of preschool educational organization
The article summarizes and systematizes theoretical material on the problem of development of physical qualities of children of older pre-school age. Essence and specificity of physical qualities development in senior preschool age are revealed. There are certain pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective development of the physical qualities of children of this age. The principles of development of physical qualities of senior pre-school children are presented. The description of physical qualities is given. They are carried out through the directed development of leading human abilities on the basis of certain regularities, including heterochronicity (different time), stage, phase and transfer in the development of abilities. The review of the programs “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “Development”, “Fundamentals of safety of preschool children”, “From birth to school” is presented. The analysis of the programs showed that, despite various concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problems of improving the health of preschool children, the content of each program has a priority in preserving the health of children.
physical qualities, senior pre-school age, pedagogical conditions and principles contributing to the effective development of physical qualities
Citation — Harvard Notation
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