Personal qualities of a graduate of general secondary educational institution specializing in natural sciences

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 153160 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


For a school graduate who is ready to connect his//her professional interest with the study of the world around him/her, from our point of view ,it is possible to distinguish such qualities as good development of sensory systems and memory, logical thinking, and the ability to emotionally-figurative representation, some degree of irregularity, pragmatism, pedantry, cognitive knowledge at the average level and above the average, and creative abilities. From the point of view of the psychophysical status and social opportunities of learners motivational factors of training for teachers of a secondary school will be foreground. The main social factor contributing to the formation of natural-scientific style of thinking in the student is the personality of the teacher at the stage of basic general education (5-9 form). It is impossible to create an ideal model of a graduate portrait as there are many factors to consider: child’s social environment, features of his life outside the school , cultural features of his life and opportunities of the educational institution.


graduate portrait, personal qualities, social factors, natural sciences, competitiveness, motivation, personality of the teacher


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