Psychological model of formation of psychological security of the personality of students in the adaptation period
One of the leading problems of modern scientific research is the study of the phenomenon of psychological security. Currently, active research is being conducted in two parallel areas - psychological safety of the educational environment and psychological safety of the students’ personality. This article deals with the concept of the psychological safety of the students' personality. An attempt was made to identify and justify the components and structural elements of psychological security of an individual: personality stability in the environment, including the traumatic period, resistance (vitality) to external and internal influences, experiencing the security or insecurity of he individual, performance efficiency. A model of the formation of psychological security of the student’s personality during the adaptation period, due to transition to the next level of education, is presented. The goal, tasks, principles, structure (components), content and main technologies of model implementation are revealed.
psychological security of a person, model of formation
Citation — Harvard Notation
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