Purposefulness of the youth of Leningrad region (based on the sociological research)

Vol. 15 Iss. 1 pp. 109112 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The paper presents some results of the regional research of the Leningrad region youth contemporary problems. In particular, it reveals essential distinctions in the process of goals setting in various groups of youth in contemporary society.


youth, youth groups, purpose, goals setting, purposefulness, social changes


Citation — Harvard Notation


  1. Иваненков С. П., Кусжанова А. Ж. Молодежь Оренбуржья: новые возможности в условиях стабилизации (Ежегодный доклад о положении молодежи Оренбургской области). — Оренбург, 2007. — 124 с.