The transformation of views on the object of activity as a factor of deformation of teacher's professional interactions

Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 104113 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article investigates the problem of compliance of subject’s views to the real object in pedagogical activity. Author considers factors that contribute to their rapprochement, including the knowledge, experience, skill level of a teacher, the level of self-awareness, the ability to separate the objective and situational components of the image, to experience value, meaning, sense of social object. The discrepancy between the image and the real object contributes to an excess of information, resulting in fragmented or “video-like” perception of the image by a subject. Mechanisms of causal attribution, stereotyping, projection, decentration, identification and empathy can also zoom in or out the image from reality.

Inadequate perception of the object by a teacher leads to the formation of professional deformations in the field of cooperation, which is manifested in such phenomena as bias to the object of professional activity, professional cynicism, depersonalization, monologism, loss of ability to be surprised, symptoms of "emotional deficit" and "emotional and moral disorientation", the effect of “intoxication of power”, increased aggressiveness, double standards, and others.



professional views, subject and object of pedagogical activity, formation of professional, professiogenesis, adequacy of views, professional deformations


Citation — Harvard Notation


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