Requirements for the materials of the article
  • The material proposed for publication must be original, not previously published in other print publications.
  • The length of the article can be from 30 to 40 thousand characters with spaces.
  • Each article must contain an abstract of not less than 600 characters with spaces. Abstract and keywords (no more than 10) go after the title of the article, to the main text.
Requirements for registration materials

Text decoration

  • the manuscript should be submitted as a Word file;
  • text should be typed in Times New Roman, size (letter height) 12 pt, line spacing "one and a half";
  • margins: 2.5 cm to the left, 1.5 cm to the right, 2 cm above, 2 cm below;
  • all pages, with the exception of the title page, should be numbered;
  • designations of units of measurement of various quantities, abbreviations of the type "g (year) must be preceded by a non-breaking space character (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "-"). The same applies to the set of initials and surnames;
  • after mentioning in the text of the surnames of foreign scientists, researchers, etc., in Russian in brackets is given the spelling of the name and surname in Latin letters, if this is not followed by reference to the work of a foreign author;
  • when used in text quotes, the so-called typographical quotes (" ") are used;
  • all abbreviations must be completely decoded upon first use, with the exception of generally accepted abbreviations of mathematical quantities and terms;
  • all quotes should be checked and provided with the source and the page in square brackets: [3, p. 67], where the first digit is the source number in the list of references;
  • Information on grants and thanks is given in the form of a footnote at the end of the first page of the article.

Figures and graphics should be built using MS OFFICE, numbered and titled. The text of the signature is placed under the picture. In order to avoid deformation of images in the process of text formatting, it is necessary to integrate all parts of images made using MS OFFICE object graphics into a single object using the grouping function.

Tables and other digital data should be carefully checked and referenced. The tables are given in the text of the article, the number and title are indicated above the table.

References should contain bibliographic information about all publications referred to in the article, and should not contain references to works that are not referenced in the text.

A numbered list of references (in alphabetical order, first in Russian, then in foreign languages) is given at the end of the article on a separate page with the obligatory indication of the following data:

  • for books - the surname and initials of the author (editor), the name of the book, place of publication (city), year of publication, number of pages;
  • for journal articles — the author’s surname and initials, the title of the article, the title of the journal, the year of publication, volume, number, issue, pages (first and last);

When making links to electronic resources, you must specify the author, title of work, location of publication (website), the exact address of the Internet page, as well as the date of appeal. Requirements for the design of links to Internet resources are contained in GOST R 0.7.5-2008.

Example of registration:

Official periodicals: electron. guide / Ros. nat b-ka Legal Information Center [Electronic resource] // Access mode: Appeal date: January 18, 2007.