On the problem of differentiation of mental burnout syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome

Vol. 29 Iss. 1 pp. 133136 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The problem of distinguishing the phenomenon of mental burnout from other psychological concepts remains a topical issue. Labour stress, depression, professional deformation, occupational destruction, anxiety, anomy, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. are singled out among the similar in terms of symptoms and processes. The article raises the issue of demarcation of the concepts of mental burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome. Speaking about differentiation of the mental burnout syndrome and the chronic fatigue syndrome, the authors stand on the position of a strict delineation of these syndromes, which may overlap in time. Corrective and preventive measures when working with clients with identified mental burnout syndrome may in their structure contain recommendations on how the client addresses medical specialists in order to exclude the chronic burnout syndrome.


burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, differentiation of concepts


Citation — Harvard Notation


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