Socialization of representatives of generation Z in the digital environment and its impact on education

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 115121 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The socialization of representatives of the Z generation is largely going on in the digital space. Digital socialization determines a special way of constructing the life world and the specific nature of assimilation of ethical values among these young people. Socialization in a digital environment also contributes to the development of anomie. The development of anomie among representatives of generation Z leads to deviant behavior, which manifests itself in unmotivated aggression, insulting other communication participants in the digital environment. Along with anomie and deviation, the digital socialization of Generation Z is also characterized by opposing trends in institutionalizing the ethics of digital interaction. Practices of unethical behavior stimulate the appearance on the Internet of discussions about the framework of permissible and unacceptable behavior. This spontaneous discourse of digital ethics is extremely interesting from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. Based on the natural views of individuals about ethical standards, it is possible to formulate a code of ethical behavior in digital space. Such a code would not be coercive, but the very fact of its existence would influence the behavior of individuals.

The studied features of generation Z can be extremely useful for improving education. Understanding the specifics of the life world of these young people will allow them to develop more interesting courses and teaching methods. Knowledge of the mechanisms of the genesis of ethical norms in the digital environment can be used for more effective transmit of socially constructive norms of behavior and ethical values among young people.


generation Z, norms, ethics, anomie, digital environment


Citation — Harvard Notation


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