Valuable target orientation of the development of studying youth social initiatives

Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pp. 104107 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In given article possible ways and ways o f development o f social initiatives o f studying youth which are one o fth e basic m echanisms o f form ation o f social responsibility o f studying youth, ability to live level, way o f display o f the individuality within the limits o f the social validity are considered. The special urgency o f the given problem in connection with increase in number o f modern young men which low level o f interest to events o f a political, economic and cultural life distinguishes, infantility, dominance subm issiveness o f crim inal and destructive com munities and subcultures is marked.


social initiatives, form ation o f social responsibility, valuable orientations


Citation — Harvard Notation


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