Research in applied psychology

Modern concept of human being in the paradigm of materialist psychology

Vol. 27 Iss. 1 pp. 6168 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Empirical justification of the strategy of counteractionto false rumors

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 714 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Psychological features and characteristics of a healthy lifestyle of pregnant women

Vol. 1 Iss. 25 pp. 4348 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Psychological features of managers with different activity profiles

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 4957 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Why sensing meaning connects with happiness

Vol. 23 Iss. 1 pp. 715 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Psychology and psychotherapy of impulsivity

Vol. 23 Iss. 1 pp. 1619 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Using art therapy in psychological correction of children’s fears

Vol. 23 Iss. 1 pp. 2023 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101