All Journal Articles

«Corpus» by Jean-Luc Nancy: extreme body experience as a reason for extreme discourse

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 126130 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Communication and self-knowledge development in preschool age

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 142145 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Socially-oriented practices of academic mobility: the experience of Kazakhstan innovation

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 146150 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Minor comparisons of welfare systems in Russia and Norway

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 151156 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Organizational behavior as a social phenomenon

Vol. 20 Iss. 2 pp. 79 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Lost man and losses of a man in the consumer society

Vol. 20 Iss. 2 pp. 1015 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101

Self-presentation: its definition and clear visualization in self-presentation training

Vol. 20 Iss. 2 pp. 1620 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101